Video Resources for Bowlers

The videos in this series: "How to Maximize your Strike Potential" are based upon player profiles that need to be understood to properly match a particular video to a particular bowler.

There are 5 uniquely, different ball mtions based upon the style of the bowler making the delivery. The styles are:

1) Rev rate strongly dominates ball speed.
2) Rev rate slightly dominates ball speed.
3) Ball speed and rev rate match.
3) Ball speed slightly dominates rev rate.
4) Ball speed greatly dominates rev rate.

Each of the 5 styles produce differing ball ball motions and each style requires different ball surfaces to maximize the bowler's strike potential. Understanding the player's profile will lead you to the most applicable video for the bowler's individual style. 
See entire chart

Understanding the player's profile will lead you to the most applicable video for the bowler's individual style. 

Please note that our videos are old and may no longer accurately reflect our current product warranties and additional products included with certain item purchases. The product descriptions in our shopping cart are up to date and accurate. Where discrepencies occur between the product videos and the product descriptions in our shopping cart, the descriptions in our shopping cart are correct.

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How to reach your maximum strike potential

How to resurface a bowling ball ...

(Part 1 of 2 - video duration is 7:19)

How to resurface a bowling ball ...

(part 2 of 2 - video duration is 7:40)

Introduction ...

(How to reach your maximum strtike potential - video duration is 1:11)

Type 2 Bowler ...

(4 ball arsenal - video duration is 24:43) 

Type 3 Bowler ...

(Medium heavy oil - video duration is 9:08)

Type 4 Bowler ...

(Multiple Lane Conditions- video duration is 23:42)

Type 5 Bowler ...

(2 ball arsenal - video duration is 14:16)

Type 5 Bowler ...

(8 ball arsenal - video duration is 20:24)

Personal preferences ...

You can use sandpaper, Abralon or SiaAir polishing pads, or non-woven abrasive scrubbing pads for changing the surface of a bowling ball. You can use these items either wet or dry. Experienced Pro Shop operators may have strong opinions about which to use and whether wet or dry but all these methods can achieve the goal, it is just a matter of personal preference. 

To resurface the ball in 2 steps, you work the top of the ball and flip 180 degreees to expose the opposite "side." A 4 step method is called "cross-hatching." When cross-hatching, after you first resurface the top of the ball, flip it 180 degrees, work the top of the ball, rotate it 90 degrees, work the top of the ball, then flip it 180 degrees and work the top of the ball. This method insures that all portions of the ball's surface is properly resurfaced.  Either method can do the job, it is just a matter of personal preference.